Monday, May 7, 2012

For the Love of Summer

At semester's end
mind is an essay paper
caught by summer's breeze.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Little Seneca Lake, 7:30am

Slack-tub steams, sun folds
clouds into Damascene sword
to slice through the night.

Friday, December 3, 2010

For Nikki and Kris

In love, all is one:
male and female, yin and yang,
dance to just one drum.

For Ron

Rivers don't aim for
sea, but reach it inch by inch:
a life of practice.

For Tulsi

Shh--the universe
speaks: still water, slow wind, stars
spin through the sky, silent.

For Gautam & Alya

Two hearts unite
like rivers: inseparable,
overcoming all.

For Beena

Eternity is
one heartbeat, one breath, rising--
falling--in the now.

For Elizabeth's Dad

No matter what you
add, subtract, divide, my love
for you multiplies.

Fairy Tale

Once upon a time
slimy frogs roamed the land and
swallowed princes whole.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Tuesday Night -- 10:30

Four cops descend stairs--
our building's cursed by violence;
may suffering cease.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Zen Rooster

Zen rooster watches
his mind, crowing at the dawn
of clear inner light.

Happy Birthday

Happy birthday, you!
Today you can have your cake
and a haiku too!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Market Street

From the roof I watch
people pass me by, turning
blind down one-way streets.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

For Claire and Sam

Your love, my mirror,
reflecting my own heart, like
two hands pressed in prayer.

For Ani Pema

Dog questions answered,
Tsog offered, and friendship shared--
Thanks, Dr. Pema.