Tuesday, January 5, 2010

For Claire and Sam

Your love, my mirror,
reflecting my own heart, like
two hands pressed in prayer.

For Ani Pema

Dog questions answered,
Tsog offered, and friendship shared--
Thanks, Dr. Pema.

For Ani Hesper

Talulah plays with
such vitality--from where?
So tired... Will you share?

For Tashi Dawa

Happiness takes work--
crank cogs, stir up darkness, then
share that inner light.

For Tashi Dawa

Universe exists
in a single atom--or
in a single whale!

For Ani Aileen

Yoda says, "Do or
do not--there is no try," and
plops on a lotus.

For Ani Arene

Cats know they're in charge.
Gold-plated eyes look down on
their minions--obey!

For Ani Alyce Louise

Puppies cuddle close--
share warm breath, warm fur, warm love.
Winter melts away.

For Ani Momo

Ani Momo feeds
her teacher, her friends, her pets,
her enlightenment.

For Holly

Woman of myst'ry
flits like a butterfly to
Dakar. I'll miss you!

For Ani Momo

Hunters follow deer
Through snow, woods, thickets of fear.
Prayer flags draw the line.

For Holly

Plastic silence, then--
Ventricles flap, floating on
Wind, your breath, your love.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

For Beth

Flew out of my dream
And into this world--only
To find... gravity.