Thursday, December 9, 2010

Little Seneca Lake, 7:30am

Slack-tub steams, sun folds
clouds into Damascene sword
to slice through the night.

Friday, December 3, 2010

For Nikki and Kris

In love, all is one:
male and female, yin and yang,
dance to just one drum.

For Ron

Rivers don't aim for
sea, but reach it inch by inch:
a life of practice.

For Tulsi

Shh--the universe
speaks: still water, slow wind, stars
spin through the sky, silent.

For Gautam & Alya

Two hearts unite
like rivers: inseparable,
overcoming all.

For Beena

Eternity is
one heartbeat, one breath, rising--
falling--in the now.

For Elizabeth's Dad

No matter what you
add, subtract, divide, my love
for you multiplies.

Fairy Tale

Once upon a time
slimy frogs roamed the land and
swallowed princes whole.